On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 06:43:40 -0700, Baba wrote:

> So here's my code. It does still cause me one headache. If i use f(0)=0
> and f(1)=1 as base cases the result will be 144. I was expecting the
> result to be the next value in the series (233)... 

That's because you're not generating the Fibonacci series, but a similar 
unnamed(?) series with the same recurrence but different starting 
conditions. The Fibinacci series starts with f(0)=1, f(1)=1.

> If i use f(1)=1 and
> f(2)=2 as base cases them i get my expected result. 

Which implies that f(0) must be 1, not 0.


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