Paul McGuire coughed up:
> Is this supposed to be some sort of wake-up call or call-to-arms to
> all the CS lemmings who have been hoodwinked by Sun into the realm of
> jargon over substance?


> You certainly seem to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for these
> topics.  It would be nice if you could find a way to illuminate and
> educate, without falling prey to the urge to pontificate.  If you
> really have some points to make, put away the breathless and profane
> debate style - it just gets in the way of anything you're trying to
> say.  Really, we are *mostly* adults here, and can make up our own
> minds on most things.

Of the many things that bother me about his post is his tendency to voice 
his conclusions as if they would be universally arrived at given his data. 
{shrug}  Paying attention to this guy's post has proven to be a complete 

I've seen this a few times--Don't make this mistake:

Dwight: "This thing is wildly available."
Smedly: "Did you mean wildly, or /widely/ ?"
Dwight: "Both!", said while nodding emphatically.

Dwight was exposed to have made a grammatical
error and tries to cover it up by thinking
fast.  This is so painfully obvious that he
only succeeds in looking worse.


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