nakisa <> writes:

> hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
> stupid.
> I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
> into the code. I have added this libaraies
> from pylab import *
> from scipy import *
> import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
> from numpy import *
> from scipy import optimize
> but get this following error :
> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/matplotlib/
> DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
>   warnings.warn("use numpy.loadtxt", DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13
> any idea ?

You don't get an error. You get a warning. Crucial difference there. You
can ignore it. You can even suppress it. But you shouldn't bother, the
authors of mlab should.


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