Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> nakisa <nakisa.noor...@gmail.com> writes:
>> hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
>> stupid.
>> I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
>> into the code. I have added this libaraies
>> from pylab import *
>> from scipy import *
>> import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

This is idiomatically written as 

from matplotlib import mlab

>> from numpy import *
>> from scipy import optimize

When you (nakisa) use *-imports on large beasts like pylab and scipy you are 
likely to encounter name clashes. The behaviour of your program becomes 
dependent on the order of imports, and for every name in pylab that you want 
to use you have to verify that there isn't an object of the same name in 
scipy or numpy. I'd say this is more hassle than the few characters you save 
are worth.

>> but get this following error :
>> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/matplotlib/mlab.py:1267:
>> DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
>>   warnings.warn("use numpy.loadtxt", DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13
>> any idea ?
> You don't get an error. You get a warning. Crucial difference there. You
> can ignore it. You can even suppress it. But you shouldn't bother, the
> authors of mlab should.

... unless you are invoking matplotlib.mlab.load() in the code you wrote 
yourself. In this case follow the advice in the warning and replace it with 


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