This post is a continuation of an earlier thread called

annoying CL echo in interactive python / ipython

I found some more clues to the problem, although no solution yet.
First, I found a post from 2009.05.09 that describes exactly the
same situation I've observed (although it got no responses):

I tried to fix the problem by applying the equivalent of "stty
-echo" within a python interactive session, but discovered that
this setting is immediately (and silently) overwritten.  The
following interaction illustrates what I mean.  (I've added my
comments, preceded by ###.)

First I start the barest possible instance of Emacs (only the bare
mininum of environment settings, and loading no configurations from
an ~/.emacs file):

% env -i HOME=$HOME DISPLAY=$DISPLAY TERM=$TERM /opt/local/bin/emacs -Q

Within Emacs, the first command I execute is M-x shell, to bring
up an Emacs shell.  What follows is the interaction within this shell:

sh-3.2$ stty -a  ### first I get the initial settings for the terminal
speed 9600 baud; 0 rows; 0 columns;
lflags: icanon isig iexten -echo echoe -echok echoke -echonl echoctl
        -echoprt -altwerase -noflsh -tostop -flusho -pendin -nokerninfo
iflags: -istrip icrnl -inlcr -igncr ixon -ixoff ixany imaxbel -iutf8
        -ignbrk brkint -inpck -ignpar -parmrk
oflags: opost -onlcr -oxtabs -onocr -onlret
cflags: cread cs8 -parenb -parodd hupcl -clocal -cstopb -crtscts -dsrflow
        -dtrflow -mdmbuf
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
        eol2 = <undef>; erase = <undef>; intr = ^C; kill = <undef>;
        lnext = ^V; min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q;
        status = ^T; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;
### note the echo setting under lflags and the onlcr setting under
### oflags; also note that the stty -a command above was not echoed
sh-3.2$ python  ### next I start an interactive python session
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import termios
import termios   ### note the echoing 
>>> old = termios.tcgetattr(1)
old = termios.tcgetattr(1)
>>> new = termios.tcgetattr(1)
new = termios.tcgetattr(1)
>>> new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ECHO & ~termios.ONLCR
new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ECHO
>>> old[3], new[3]
old[3], new[3]
(536872395, 536872385)
>>> (termios.tcsetattr(1, termios.TCSANOW, new), termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], 
>>> old[3], new[3])
(termios.tcsetattr(1, termios.TCSANOW, new), termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], old[3], 
(None, 536872385, 536872395, 536872385)
### The output above shows that the setting attempted through
### tcsetattr "took" momentarily...
>>> termios.tcgetattr(1) == old
termios.tcgetattr(1) == old
### ...but by this point it has already been reset back to its original value. 
>>> termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], old[3], new[3]
termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], old[3], new[3]
(536872395, 536872395, 536872385)
>>> ^D
sh-3.2$ stty -a  ### after quitting python, the echo and onlcr settings have 
been reversed 
stty -a
speed 9600 baud; 0 rows; 0 columns;
lflags: icanon isig iexten echo echoe -echok echoke -echonl echoctl
        -echoprt -altwerase -noflsh -tostop -flusho -pendin -nokerninfo
iflags: -istrip icrnl -inlcr -igncr ixon -ixoff ixany imaxbel -iutf8
        -ignbrk brkint -inpck -ignpar -parmrk
oflags: opost onlcr -oxtabs -onocr -onlret
cflags: cread cs8 -parenb -parodd hupcl -clocal -cstopb -crtscts -dsrflow
        -dtrflow -mdmbuf
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
        eol2 = <undef>; erase = ^?; intr = ^C; kill = ^U; lnext = ^V;
        min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q; status = ^T;
        stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;

Does anyone understand what's going on?  Is there any way to prevent
python from resetting the settings made with tcgetattr?  (I realize
that this is relatively low-level stuff, so it is unlikely that
there's a clean solution; I'm hoping, however, that there may be
a way to fool python into doing the right thing; after all, this
strange behavior only happens under the Emacs shell; I don't observe
it under, e.g., Terminal or xterm.)



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