In <i9o8jc$> Lawrence D'Oliveiro 
<l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:

>In message <i9n4ph$>, kj wrote:

>> I tried to fix the problem by applying the equivalent of "stty
>> -echo" within a python interactive session, but discovered that
>> this setting is immediately (and silently) overwritten.

>That seems reasonable behaviour; the command loop is resetting the terminal 
>to a reasonable state to allow it to read the next command. But the command 
>you execute can do anything it likes in-between. What’s wrong with that?

What's wrong with it is that what python thinks is a "reasonable
state" is actually wrong in this case (it differs from the default
setting established by the Emacs shell).  I had hoped that there
was a way to tell python what to regard as a "reasonable state".
I gather that there is no way to do this?


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