Alexander Kapps <> writes:

> On 17.11.2010 19:38, Boštjan Mejak wrote:
> > What is the difference between a program, an application, and
> > software?

Alexander's guide is good. Some notes from a native speaker of English:

> Program: A sequence of one or more instructions (even 'print "hello"'
> is a valid Python program)

Some like to sub-divide “script” as a type of program; I don't see the
point, and refer to such things as programs.

> Application: Usually a large(er), complex program

An application might also be several programs working together, along
with the non-program software they use to do their jobs: e.g.
“LibreOffice is an application consisting of many programs, data sets,
libraries, images, document templates, and other software”.

> Software: The parts of a computer that you *can't* kick.

It's worth noting a common error of non-native English users: “software”
is an uncountable noun, like “hardware”.

This is unlike “program” and “application”, both of which are countable.
So it makes no more sense to speak of “a software” than “a clothing”;
both are wrong.

If you want to refer to countable items, “a software work” is acceptable
if you want to refer generically to a work of digitally-stored
information. Otherwise be more precise: a software work might be “a
document”, “an image”, “an audio recording”, “a program”, “a database”,
et cetera.

Hope that helps.

 \     “It's my belief we developed language because of our deep inner |
  `\                  need to complain.” —Jane Wagner, via Lily Tomlin |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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