From: <>
Subject: Tkinter accessability options (was Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and 
the ugly!)

> Octavian,
>> Not all the people were happy because the darkness disappeared partially for 
>> some of them and more and more blind people started to use a computer, and 
>> discovered that the Tk interfaces are absolutely inaccessible for them.
> Might this package help? (I have no experience with this project)
> Tka11y 0.1.1 - accessibility-aware Tkinter
> Another idea: Use Tkinters <Enter> events to speak TTS descriptions of
> the current control and/or its contents?
> I would love to hear from anyone using either of techniques ... or other
> techniques or screen reader products ... to make their Tkinter
> applications accessible to low vision/blind users.
> Malcolm

Thank you very much for those projects! I will test them.

Unfortunately they are not a solution because if I want to create an accessible 
app I can do it using an accessible library, but if the other programmers of 
the world use a non-accessible by default GUI, than their programs won't be 
accessible, or they will offer a limited accessibility like Java Access Bridge 
offers to SWING-based apps.

If Tkinter would use that project that should offer the accessibility by 
default, that would be a real solution.



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