On Dec 30, 4:44 pm, Kevin Walzer <k...@codebykevin.com> wrote:

> You can build web servers, database tools, FTP clients, test
> suite/automation tools, chat clients, and drivers of other CLI tools
> with Tcl, just to name a few.

Ok, thats swell. But do you have any real examples, links, or some
evidence of this? Or are we witnessing more wishful thinking?

> In terms of what can be done with the
> language, I'm not aware of anything that can be done in Python that
> can't be done in Tcl.

Again the proof is in the pudding my friend!

> The size of Python's community and its large standard library are an
> advantage over Tcl.

Yes, go on...

> While Tcl is technically capable of many things,
> it's often easier to find a Python library already coded for specific
> functions--for instance, while Tcl has XML parsing and can parse RSS, it
> doesn't have a rich library like feedparser all wrapped up and ready to go.

Thanks, well i must say that it it getting easier to win this

> I find that Tcl's "everything is a string" representation offers a more
> flexible and expressive approach in certain contexts.

Maybe but that is hardly going to "woo" the masses is it?

> Tcl's "exec"
> function makes interacting with external tools simpler than os.popen and
> subprocess--I can get the output of a command with less code.

Newsflash!, NewsFlash!, Python has an exec function. Am i missing
something here? :)

> Of course, this is partly a matter of taste.

Well your posts so far are leaning heavily that way Kevin :)


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