
Is this an indentation problem then?
How do I update the sentinel within the secondary while loop. I am trying to 
avoid using breaks by the way, as I can program this example using breaks:

--- start---
import random
print "\tWelcome to 'Guess my number'!:"
print "\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100."
print "Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n"

the_number = random.randrange(1,101)

tries = 0

while True:
    guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess: "))
    tries += 1
    if guess > the_number:
        print "Lower..."
    elif guess < the_number:
        print "Higher..."
        print "You guessed it! The number was", the_number
        print "And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n"
    if  tries == 7:
        print "Wow you suck! It should only take at most 7 tries!"

raw_input ("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

--- end ---

But the book states that this can be done without needing to use breaks.


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