On 2011-01-16, John Nagle <na...@animats.com> wrote:
> On 1/15/2011 10:48 PM, Aman wrote:
>> @nagle Means you are suggesting me not to proceed with Python because I've 
>> had experience with C++?
>    No, Python is quite useful, but on the slow side.  If you're I/O
> bound, not time critical, or otherwise not performance constrained,
> it's quite useful.  The language is really quite good, but there's
> some excessive dynamism which has caused every attempt at an optimizing
> implementation to fail.

Those who are concerned about performance should check out Go.
Garbage collection, duck typing, and compiles to a native binary.
It creates a great middle ground between C++ and Python.  Any C and/or
Python programmer will feel right at home with the language.  It is
still a young language; but, I have been using it for some useful things.


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