On Jan 16, 2:05 pm, TomF <tomf.sess...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Instead of explaining my problem and asking for design suggestions,
> I'll ask: is there a compendium of realistic Python multiprocessing
> examples somewhere?  Or an open source project to look at?

There are tons, but without even a knowledge domain, it's difficult to
recommend much of anything.  Multiprocessing for I/O (e.g., web
serving) tends to look different and be structured differently from
multiprocessing for CPU-intensive tasking (e.g., digital signal
processing), and both look different from things with specific
requirements w.r.t latency (e.g., video game server, hard-real time
applications) or other requirements.

Even the level at which you parallel process can change things
dramatically.  Consider the simple case of matrix multiplication.  I
can make the multiplication itself parallel; or assuming I have
multiple sets of matricies I want to multiply (common), I can make
execute each multiplication in parallel.  Both solutions look
different, and a solution that uses both levels of parallelism
frequently will look different still.


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