On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 16:00:20 +0100, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> .pyc files are Python byte-code. You can't run them directly using
>> Python (except via the import machinery), you can't run them as a
>> script, they're not machine code. Unless you write a wrapper to import
>> the file as a module, you can't directly execute .pyc files.
> It seems to work here:

[snip incantation]

Then I stand corrected, thank you.

I know I've seen problems executing .pyc files from the shell in the 
past... perhaps I was conflating details of something else. Ah, I know!

[steve@sylar ~]$ chmod u+x toto.pyc
[steve@sylar ~]$ ./toto.pyc
: command not found ��
./toto.pyc: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./toto.pyc: line 2: `P7Mc@s     dGHdS(tfooN((((s        ./


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