On 2011-01-19, Octavian Rasnita <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: "Grant Edwards" <invalid@invalid.invalid>
>>> WxPython is not perfect but most of the objects it offers are
>>> accessible so this is not true. Only Tk and GTK are bad.
>> On all of my computers, wxPython uses Gtk.  There are other choices
>> for wxWidget backends on Linux, but Gtk is by far the most common.
>> IOW, if Gtk is bad, then wxPython is bad.
> Not true.

I think you're playing a bit fast and loose with your accusations.

Which of my statements was "not true"?

 1) On all of my computers wxPython uses Gtk.

 2) There are other backend choices on Linux besides Gtk.

 3) Gtk is by far the most common wxWidgets backend on Linux/Unix.

 4) If Gtk is bad then wxPython is bad.

Note that 4) follows logically from 3), so to say that 4) is "not
true" you have to show that 3) is "not true".

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! WHOA!!  Ken and Barbie
                                  at               are having TOO MUCH FUN!!
                              gmail.com            It must be the NEGATIVE

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