On 2011-01-20, Octavian Rasnita <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: "Grant Edwards" <invalid@invalid.invalid>
>>>> On all of my computers, wxPython uses Gtk.  There are other choices
>>>> for wxWidget backends on Linux, but Gtk is by far the most common.
>>>> IOW, if Gtk is bad, then wxPython is bad.
>>> Not true.
>> I think you're playing a bit fast and loose with your accusations.
> I've made no accusations,

Yes you have.  You claimed what I stated was not true.

> but I only try to inform the people about the
> accessibility of different GUI libs.
>> Which of my statements was "not true"?
>> 1) On all of my computers wxPython uses Gtk.
>> 2) There are other backend choices on Linux besides Gtk.
>> 3) Gtk is by far the most common wxWidgets backend on Linux/Unix.
>> 4) If Gtk is bad then wxPython is bad.
>> Note that 4) follows logically from 3), so to say that 4) is "not
>> true" you have to show that 3) is "not true".
> The wrong conclusion is that if Gtk is bad, then WxPython is bad. Gtk
> is inaccessible under Windows, not under Linux, but WxPython doesn't
> use Gtk under Windows so WxPython is OK.

Ah.  I didn't realize we were operating under the premise that Windows
was the only OS that mattered.  Sorry.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Maybe I should have
                                  at               asked for my Neutron Bomb
                              gmail.com            in PAISLEY --

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