
I have been on another list with Octavian, and he takes his accessibility a bit to seriously. If things went his way, he wants laws where -everything- has to be accessible, and it is illegal not to do so. As a sidenote, I would like to preface everything I'm going to say by mentioning the fact that I have been using a screen reader for many years, so I understand some of where he is coming from.

I think my goal, (and I differ from Octavian here), is to try to find fixes for things, rather than saying "this sucks, it does not work with a reader, and thus it shouldn't be used). Having done a lot of development work in the past, I can't say "hey you, I want you to make this app accessible, and because you used TKInter it's not, so use something else, but nothing that isn't accessible." Rather, I believe those pushing accessibility should concentrate on the root cause; that of fixing TKInter, and not forcing everyone else to use a different library.

I believe that the approach is the main key here, and I have had this argument many times. If I wrote an app, and someone said something along the lines of "you need to change a core library because it doesn't work with this program," my first response would be who the hell are you to say what I need to use? We need to take the approach of "This is what is wrong, this is why, this is possibly how it could be fixed. Would you be willing to do so?"

So, with all of this said, TKInter -is- unaccesssible for us. My arguments have not been for or against one or the other in this thread, but more to get RR to make a better point. Because eventually, WX would benafit those using a screen reader a lot more than say, TKInter will. That doesn't mean that I'm saying that we need to make it a part of the stdlib as of yesterday, because segfaults from someone with 10+ years of experience (multiple people, actually) says a lot, whether or not RR wants to acknowledge said facts. I can not with good conchence say that the switch should be done just for accessibility purposes. Obviously it would be awesome, but I think Octavian is just focusing on himself, and not the actual big picture here.


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