On Jan 24, 2:09 pm, santosh hs <santosh.tron...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> i am beginner to python please tell me which is the best available
> reference for beginner to start from novice

If you are a complete beginner to programming, I suggest start with a
tutorial such as "A Byte of Python" (google this).
I learned my first steps with Josh Cogliati's "Non-Programmers
Tutorial For Python" 

The suggestions above are very good if you are new to programming en
general (not only to python).
If you have some experience, you may look to something more advanced,
such as "Dive into Python".
All these resources are available online for free.

If you want to but a book, I like "Beginning Python: From Novice to

Hope this helps...


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