>with JAWS because it is the most used screen reader.
Get off your me soapbox. Jaws is not the most used. NVDA is taking over, quite fast, and lots of people have totally switched to mac or Vinux because of the problems with Jaws. It's most used in corporate sektors still maybe, but lots of end-users are migrating to Window Eyes, NVDA or OSX because of the fact that it is both cheaper and NVDA is open source, not to mention free. Just because Jaws -was- most used and -you- use it, doesn't mean it still remains so.
On 1/26/2011 8:26 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
From: "Littlefield, Tyler"<ty...@tysdomain.com>
I don't know why you didn't say this before.
Comprehention, Octavian. I've made that point multiple times, but your
to stuck on talking about how selfish people are.
You didn't say that WxPython can't be used with Python 3. Have you said that?

The other part of the discussion is related to the accessibility and
care for>accessibility and that discussion is not nice at all, because
it shows how
selfish are most of the people and they consider this a virtue.
Selfish? We've had multiple people get interested,
I am not interested if the people are getting interested. I am interested to 
have a solution right now, and at least for Python 2, a solution is already 

and I've had a couple
of messages off-list about the accessibility, (probably so they wouldn't
have to deal with you). We've even had one person ask for a list of
screen readers, (and I note you only gave him the one you use for the OS
For the majority of blind users it is less relevant if a GUI is accessible 
under Linux or Mac. I gave that example because a GUI should be first 
accessible with JAWS because it is the most used screen reader.





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