On 26/01/2011 18:19, rantingrick wrote:
SUMMARY: We create an abstraction API atop "Robin's WxPython". We
include only the API in the stdlib at this time and we keep Tkinter in
maintenance. Then over the next few years we start a fresh wxPython
project that will be acceptable for the stdlib. Something that we can
plug our API into.  We steal as much from Robin as we can (or get him
to cooperate). Then when the time is right, we dump Tkinter and
integrate the new Wxpy module into the stdlib. Then we will be back on

I look forward to reading your PEP and initial design documents, though I suspect you would need the latter and to get some a decent portion of work done before it would even be considered as an inclusion into the standard library.

I strongly suspect that your response to this suggestion would be the ironic "more talk and no action from X". Many capable developers have their own occupations and might not have the spare time or desire to spend on a project where all evidence suggests would be a (non-benevolent) dictatorship where they would be endlessly browbeaten.

You have continuously tried to outright present yourself as a 'visionary' and speaker for the python community and then asked why people don't take you seriously. People would take you a lot more seriously if you showed that you had the vision and capability to drive development of such a serious undertaking, and manage such a team of developers, whom you have first managed to attract to the project.

If you actually seriously believe this should happen and that you are the best person to drive it, the way to go about it is probably: - Write some design documents, or even code, laying out what you think the interface should be. - Put it out to the community, listen to advice, make changes (it will NOT be perfect) and gather support.
 - Provide an initial implementation

Somebody in the old thread said something which made sense, which I paraphrase as:
  "Only idiots think they can command communities of equals."

This is something to keep closely in mind in your continuing, what can only be described as 'crusades'. This, along with the fact that people remember first impressions, and are usually cautious about reversing opinions developed through many examples of uncivility.

Heck, I am probably wasting my time with this post; but you come across as genuine in your held central beliefs, and so either serious or the most dedicated and adept troll I have ever encountered. In the case of the former, I hold an optimistic view that most people are capable of self-asessment. In the case of the latter, consider me successfully trolled.


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