On Jan 31, 1:32 pm, Giampaolo Rodolà <g.rod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So what you're actually telling is that Python won't survive another
> 10 years because:
> - IDLE is it's default editor

Well not solely because IDLE is the default editor. IDLE is very
useful to newcommers and could be made even more useful however the
code base is rotten!

> - idlelib directory is the first place you should look every time you
> need an inspiration on how code should be written

In an ideal world it should be the first place you look when wanting
to learn how to build medium sized GUI projects with the built-in
Tkinter module. However the reality is ANYTHING but ideal. The code is
rotten to the core, full of inconsistencies and just very unpythonic.
Not something i would suggest any aspiring Tkinter n00b look at unless
they want to learn what NOT to do.

> - code in idlelib directory sucks

plainly and simply... YES.

> That's an interesting point and I thank you for pointing that out.
> Personally I've never looked into idlelib directory for 7 years in a row at 
> all.

And i am glad, because had you followed the example of IDLE you would
be spreading mediocrity and obfuscation. Both of which are not virtues
to be admired.

> I was probably doing some other things, I don't know, but now I'm
> definitively gonna start looking for a new language because it's clear
> that any language having a directory called "idlelib" within such a
> horrible source code is not gonna last for long.

Well not unless we do something about it. It is high time to stop
patching, bolting on, and future extending the suffering of this
horrendous code base. It is time to pull the plug, let it die, and
start fresh. Start from a real python perspective. We can learn from
past mistakes and build something much better. But will we? Do we have
the community spirit to take on this challenge? Do we as a community
have any fire left or have we collectively waxed cold?

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