or Module;-?

On 2/11/2011 9:56 AM, Martin De Kauwe wrote:

I have a series of parameter values which i need to pass throughout my
code (>100), in C I would use a structure for example. However in
python it is not clear to me if it would be better to use a dictionary
or build a class object? Personally I think accessing the values is
neater (visually) with an object rather than a dictionary, e.g.

Dicts are, of course objects. That said, if all keys are identifier strings, then attribute access is nicer. A module is essentially a dict with all identifier keys, accessed as attributes.

mod.a is mod.__dict__['a']

Module are sometimes regarded as singleton data-only classes.
Just put 'import params' in every file that needs to read or write them.
The stdlib has at least a few modules that consist only of constants.
One example is tkinter.constants.

Terry Jan Reedy


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