Martin De Kauwe wrote:

I have a series of parameter values which i need to pass throughout my
code (>100), in C I would use a structure for example. However in
python it is not clear to me if it would be better to use a dictionary
or build a class object? Personally I think accessing the values is
neater (visually) with an object rather than a dictionary, e.g.

x = params['price_of_cats'] * params['price_of_elephants']


x = params.price_of_cats * params.price_of_elephants

So currently I am building a series of class objects to hold different
parameters and then passing these through my code, e.g.

class EmptyObject:

self.animal_prices = EmptyObject()
self.price_of_cats = 12 or reading a file and populating the object

I would be keen to hear any reasons why this is a bad approach (if it
is, I haven't managed to work this out)? Or perhaps there is a better


Using classes is the best choice.

However, if because there would be too much classes to define so that you are forced to use your EmptyObject trick, adding attributes to the inntance dynamically, I'd say that dictionnaries are a more common pattern.

Ideally, you would have something like:

class PriceHolder(object):
   def fromFile(cls, filename):
      # example of abstract method

class Animals(PriceHolder):
   def __init__(self): = None
      self.elephant = None

class Fruits(PriceHolder):
   def __init__(self):
      self.banana = None = None

Then you would have to write 100 PriceHolder subclasses...


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