On Mar 7, 2:54 pm, Grigory Javadyan <grigory.javad...@gmail.com>
> Just admit that your algorithm doesn't work that well already :-)
> Or give a solid formal definition of "similarity" and prove that your
> algo works with that definition.
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:22 PM, n00m <n...@narod.ru> wrote:
> > In short,
> > the notion of similarity can be speculated about just endlessly.

Remind me this piece of humor:

One man entered a lift cabin at the 1st floor,
lift goes to the3rd floor, opens and ... it's empty!
Physicist, Chemist and Mathematician were asked:
what happened to the man?

Physicist: he was squashed to the floor by acceleration!

Chemist: he was vaporized by some acid gases!

Mathematician: hmm... Let's call a lift *empty* if
there is inside of it no more than *1* man.


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