Alister Ware wrote:
I have a simple call back defined for a radio button widget when I use in linux I get a value of None, windows returns the widget
 name as I would expect.

First, not familiar with your issue...

... but might be able to help you think through it...

I am assuming that you are building a Python script using a glade interface that provides the widgets drag-an-drop style and then allowing you to take the default code, add to it, or otherwise modify it.

I am also assuming that the /call back/ is returning a Python None, on the linux platform... otherwise you're getting the widget name from the same script on the windows platform?? right?

It might be helpful to examine both scripts to see where (if any) they differ. More likely than not, this little snag is a difference in the way that the windows version of gtk+ libraries are working, than the original ones on the linux platform.

On the other hand, the Python wrappers for the gtk+ library on the linux platform may be hiding the return values. Python functions return 'None' if the 'return' is not explicitly coded. The gtk+ libraries may be returning a value but the 'builder' is not generating the right Python wrapper. I'm making this up, but you get the idea, and you can probably check from here.

On the other hand, folks here can enter into a discussion with you regarding the generated Python code (output from the builder) if you provide relevant code snippets.

Kind regards,
m harris


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