On Mon, 16 May 2011 14:56:38 -0500, harrismh777 wrote:

> alister ware wrote:
>>      def callback(self,widget,data=None):
>>              print widget                  #gives reference to radio 
button ok print
>>              widget.name             #widget name on windoze, None on 
> Well, you're obviously using Python 2.x ...
>     ... have you tried this in Python 3.x ?
> Neither here nor there...  you need to know who/what is generating
> 'widget'.  Is widget buried in gtk where you can't see how it works, or
> is widget a Python class (or wrapper) where you can see what its doing?
> The fact that widget.name returns None on the linux platform tells me
> that widget is a Python class (or wrapper) ... so you probably have a
> widget.py file somewhere... or some other module that widget is a class
> definition in... who knows... (at this point).
> It seems to me that the 'builder' is behaving differently on the two
> platforms (rather than Python is behaving differently on the two
> platforms).
> What happens if you change the data=None pair?
> What happens if you omit data=None pair?
> Do you see this difference with *all* widgets, or just radio buttons?
> kind regards,
> m harris

It seems it was introduced in pygtk 2.1.7 as a side effect of correcting 
something to do with widget id's and the fact that widget names do not 
have to be unique (although glade insists that they are).

looks like i have to modify my code & use gtk.buildable.get_name(widget) 
instead, not really a big change but may break someone else's code 

If you're not careful, you're going to catch something.

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