Tracubik wrote:

> Hi all,
> i'm trying to write a simple windows with two button in GTK, 
> i need a  way to identify wich button is pressed.
> ....

#!/usr/bin/env python

import gtk

def console_display( button , args ) :

    a0 , a1 , a2 = args

    print '    %s .... %s %s ' % ( a0 , a1 , a2 )

window = gtk.Window()

window.set_title( "gtk.buttons.01" )
window.set_size_request( 300 , -1 )

window.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER )

window.connect( "destroy" , gtk.main_quit )

# Create VBox and add in Window

vbox = gtk.VBox()

window.add( vbox )

# Create buttons

dict_buttons = {
    12   :  [ 'OneTwo' , 'Buckle ' , 'My Shoe' ] ,
    34   :  [ 'TreFor' , 'Shut   ' , 'The Door' ] ,
    56   :  [ 'FivSix' , 'Pick   ' , 'Up Sticks' ] ,
    78   :  [ 'SvnAte' , 'Lay    ' , 'Them Straight' ] ,
    910  :  [ 'NinTen' , 'Big    ' , 'Fat Hen' ] }

list_keys = dict_buttons.keys()


for this_button in list_keys :
    this_name = dict_buttons[ this_button ][ 0 ]
    b = gtk.Button( this_name )

    b.set_name( this_name )

    b.connect( "clicked" , console_display , dict_buttons[ this_button ] )

    vbox.pack_start( b )



Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


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