On Wed, 25 May 2011 10:18:48 +0200, Tracubik wrote:

> Hi all,
> i'm trying to write a simple windows with two button in GTK, i need a
> way to identify wich button is pressed. Consider that:
> the two button are connected (when clicked) to infoButton(self, widget,
> data=None)
> infoButton() is something like this
> infoButton(self, widget, data=None):
>       # discover wich button was pressed
>       ...
>       # say hello to the button
>       if button1pressed:
>               print "Hi, button1!"
>       else:
>               print "Hi, button2!"
> so, how can I know wich button was pressed without using data and
> without reading the label of the button (i could have buttons with the
> same label)
> If data is needed, can someone pls tell me how to set it properly in
> glade 3.8
> thanks
> Nico

This looks similar to a question I posted about 2 weeks ago

In gtk 2.1.6 (i think) & earlier you could use widget.get_name() to 
return the id of the widget.
this no-longer works since 2.1.7
the pygtk forum suggests this is because widget id's are not necessarily 
unique & caused problems elsewhere, to be honest most of the explanation 
went above my head.
I did find a work around & that was to use gtk.buildable.get_name(widget)
but is is probably cleaner to use a discrete callback for each button.

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