On Fri, 03 Jun 2011 11:43:54 +1200, Gregory Ewing wrote:

>> But going against generally accepted semantics should at least
>> be clearly indicated. Lambda is one of the oldest computing abstraction,
>> and they are at the core of any functional programming language.
> Yes, and Python's lambdas behave exactly the *same* way as
> every other language's lambdas in this area. Changing it to
> do early binding would be "going against generally accepted
> semantics".

In Lisp, it depends upon whether the free variable is bound:

        $ clisp
        [1]> (setq f (lambda (x) (+ x i)))
        #<FUNCTION :LAMBDA (X) (+ X I)>
        [2]> (setq i 7)
        [3]> (apply f (list 4))
        [4]> (setq i 12)
        [5]> (apply f (list 4))
        $ clisp
        [1]> (let ((i 7)) (setq f (lambda (x) (+ x i))))
        #<FUNCTION :LAMBDA (X) (+ X I)>
        [2]> (apply f (list 4))
        [3]> (setq i 12)
        [4]> (apply f (list 4))

If the variable is bound, then the lambda creates a closure.

And Python behaves the same way:

        > f = (lambda i: lambda x: x + i)(7)
        > f(4)
        > i = 12
        > f(4)

        # If you really want a "let", this syntax is closer:
        # f = (lambda i = 7: lambda x: x + i)()

The original semantics (from the lambda calculus) don't deal with the
concept of mutable state.

> If anything should be changed here, it's the for-loop, not lambda.

Right. The for loop should bind the variable rather than set it.


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