Thomas Jollans <> writes:

> On 20/07/11 04:12, sturlamolden wrote:
>> 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
>> objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
>> ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage
>> collector.
> I wonder - what do you think of GTK+?
> I've only used Qt with C++, and I've always been highly suspicious of wx
> (something about the API, or the documentation… I haven't had a look at
> it in a long time), but I always found PyGTK quite nice.

GTK+ doesn't work well at all on Mac, so if "cross-platform" includes
Macs, it's not a contender.

To quote the page:

   Developers considering GTK+ as a cross-platform environment for new
   work are advised to evaluate other toolkits carefully before
   committing to GTK if they consider OSX an important market.

From experience, GTK apps are pretty awful on OSX.


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