On Jul 20, 9:27 am, sturlamolden <sturlamol...@yahoo.no> wrote:
> On 20 Jul, 16:17, Mel <mwil...@the-wire.com> wrote:
> > OTOH, if you intend to re-use the Dialog object, it's not a memory leak.
> It cannot be reused if you don't have any references pointing to it.
> Sure it is nice to have dialogs that can be hidden and re-displayed,
> but only those that can be accessed again.

I find that keeping a dialog alive (and hidden) is bad practice EXCEPT
in the case where a dialog will be used many, many times in an
application. Since that kind of re-usage is rare destroying the dialog
and freeing the graphical resources it consumes is important.

However a dialog should handle it's own state. That is, and
application should never have to keep up with dialog default values
and re-insert then every time, NO, the dialog should do this all by

My solution is to create a simple container class that creates and
destroys the dialog as needed (when show is called) however keeps a
state of the last user inputs so the main application does not have

class Dialog():
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = []
        # the dialog IS NOT created here!

    def show(self):
        # Create the dialog here
        # and load any initial values
        # from self.state.

    def cb_okbutton(self):
        # Process the inputs, store the
        # current values in self.state
        # and destroy.

    def cb_cancelbutton(self)
        # destroy the dialog.

This is a proper design pattern for all GUI dialogs.


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