On 8/3/2011 8:14 PM, Steve Holden wrote:
[Ccs appreciated]

After some three years labor I (@holdenweb) at last find myself approaching the completion of the Python Certificate Series with O'Reilly School of Technology (@OReillySchool).

At OSCON last week the team fell to talking about the final assignment (although the Certificate is not a certification, students only progress by answering real quiz questions, not the usual multiple-choice task). Success also requires that they complete a project at the end of each (of the ~60) lesson(s).

We would ideally like the last project to to be something that demonstrates at least some minimal involvement with the Python community. Something like "get a Python answer upvoted on StackOverflow", for example, or getting a question answered on c.l.p. At the same time it shouldn't be anything that places a burden on the community (otherwise the hundredth student would be abused and the thousandth murdered).

So I wondered if anyone had any good ideas.

Steve Holden
st...@holdenweb.com <mailto:st...@holdenweb.com>

Just a thought.

What about contributing code or documentation to an established project?

I dislike the idea of getting an answer up voted. First of all, for people trying to do it honestly you are putting their completion into the hands of strangers, secondly, it would be very easy to cheat by having someone else,
or themselves with a puppet account, up vote the answer.

There are a metric grip of established projects that could use a little help with documentation, code examples, etc.
I think this is a better route to community participation.

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