On 2011-08-17, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Seebs <usenet-nos...@seebs.net> wrote:
>> Yes, but is it a *significant* cost? ?My assumption is that the suppression
>> would be of checking, not just of displaying messages.

> It mightn't be very significant, but there'd still be some cost.
> However, IMHO the greatest cost is the spamminess; forcing the user to
> deal with lines and lines of warnings is not a useful way to design a
> language.

Lines and lines?

I'd say if it's to be allowed to shadow built-ins (and I'm not sure that's
a good thing at all), you'd still be looking at one warning per shadowing,
which shouldn't be too many.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net
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I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

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