On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckha...@dominolaser.com> wrote: > There is another dependency and that I'd call a logical dependency. This > occurs when e.g. test X tests for an API presence and test Y tests the API > behaviour. In other words, Y has no chance to succeed if X already failed. > Unfortunately, there is no way to express this relation, there is no > "@unittest.depends(test_X)" to decorate test_Y with (Not yet!). Each test > would be the root of a tree of tests that it depends on. If a dependency > fails already, you can either skip the tree or at least mark the following > test failures as implicit failures, so that you can easily distinguish them > from the root cause.
I can see where that could be useful. On the other hand, if such a decorator were included in unittest, I can already envision people abusing it to explicitly enshrine their operational dependencies, maybe even taking it as encouragement to write their tests in that fashion. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list