On 12-02-13 06:20 AM, Matej Cepl wrote:

I am getting more and more discouraged from using XSLT for a transformation from one XML scheme to another one. Does anybody could share any experience with porting moderately complicated XSLT stylesheet (https://gitorious.org/sword/czekms-csp_bible/blobs/master/CEP2OSIS.xsl) into a Python script using ElementTree's interparse or perhaps xml.sax?

Any tools for this? Speed differences (currently I am using xsltproc)? Any thoughts?

Thank you,

I wound up rewriting the Docbook to XSL transformation for PyOpenGL's docs in Python using lxml.etree and Kid (now reworked to use Genshi). However, that was a fairly direct translation, it has only a handful of strategies for transforming nodes from docbook to xhtml. That said, it took our processing time down from so-long-I-just-didn't-want-to-work-on-the-docs down to regenerate-whenever-I-make-a-trivial-change.

http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mcfletch/pyopengl/directdocs/files <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emcfletch/pyopengl/directdocs/files>

Is the repository where the project lives. It *also* does a lot of other processing, but the generate.py, model.py and templates/section.kid files are all you need to look at to understand the docbook processing.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


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