Evan Driscoll  <drisc...@cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
>So yes, you can say that pretending there's not a mapping of strings to 
>internal representation is silly, because there is. However, there's 
>nothing you can say about that mapping.

I'm not the one labeling anything as being silly.  I'm the one labeling
the things as bullshit, and that's what you're doing here.  I can in
fact say what the internal byte string representation of strings is any
given build of Python 3.  Just because I can't say what it would be in
an imaginary hypothetical implementation doesn't mean I can never say
anything about it.

                                        Ross Ridge

 l/  //   Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
[oo][oo]  rri...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca
-()-/()/  http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~rridge/ 
 db  //   

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