On 05.04.2012, Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> wroted:
>> > There's absolutely no reason why JSON should follow Python syntax
>> > rules. Making it support either kind of quotes would have
>> > complicated every JSON library in the world, for no added value.
>> I think these days it's not just "Python syntax", it's kinda something
>> that you can get accustommed to take for granted. Realistically, how
>> much more complication could the support for either quote marks
>> introduce? I doubt anyone would even notice. And you don't have to
>> write JSON by hand for this gotcha to bite you, all it takes is to
>> start playing with generating JSON without the use of specialized 
>> JSON libraries/functions. For testing, for fun, out of curiosity...
> If you want to talk a protocol, read the protocol specs and follow them.  

Sure, sure. But it still may raise a few eyebrows as people start to 
play along while still reading the spces. It's just not something that
I'd expect (yes, I learnt Perl before I discovered Python). 

Grzegorz Staniak   <gstaniak _at_ gmail [dot] com>

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