* Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Thu, 05 Apr 2012 23:08:11 +0200, André Malo wrote:
>> * Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> For a 21st century programming language or data format to accept only
>>> one type of quotation mark as string delimiter is rather like having a
>>> 21st century automobile with a hand crank to start the engine instead
>>> of an ignition. Even if there's a good reason for it (which I doubt),
>>> it's still surprising.
>> Here's a reason: KISS.
> KISS is a reason *for* allowing multiple string delimiters, not against
> it. The simplicity which matters here are:
> * the user doesn't need to memorise which delimiter is allowed, and
>   which is forbidden, which will be different from probably 50% of
>   the other languages he knows;
> * the user can avoid the plague of escaping quotes inside strings
>   whenever he needs to embed the delimiter inside a string literal.
> This is the 21st century, not 1960, and if the language designer is
> worried about the trivially small extra effort of parsing ' as well as "
> then he's almost certainly putting his efforts in the wrong place.

Yes, that's what you said already. My reasoning was in the part you stripped
from my quote. *shrug*

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else
use it, and get a new one every six months.  -- Clifford Stoll

                                    (found in ssl_engine_pphrase.c)

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