On 05/02/2012 01:05 AM, Paul Rubin wrote:
someone<newsbo...@gmail.com>  writes:
Actually I know some... I just didn't think so much about, before
writing the question this as I should, I know theres also something
like singular value decomposition that I think can help solve
otherwise illposed problems,

You will probably get better advice if you are able to describe what
problem (ill-posed or otherwise) you are actually trying to solve.  SVD

I don't understand what else I should write. I gave the singular matrix and that's it. Nothing more is to say about this problem, except it would be nice to learn some things for future use (for instance understanding SVD more - perhaps someone geometrically can explain SVD, that'll be really nice, I hope)...

just separates out the orthogonal and scaling parts of the
transformation induced by a matrix.  Whether that is of any use to you
is unclear since you don't say what you're trying to do.

Still, I dont think I completely understand SVD. SVD (at least in Matlab) returns 3 matrices, one is a diagonal matrix I think. I think I would better understand it with geometric examples, if one would be so kind to maybe write something about that... I can plot 3D vectors in matlab, very easily so maybe I better understand SVD if I hear/read the geometric explanation (references to textbook/similar is also appreciated).

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