On 5/2/2012 10:14 PM, Steve Howell wrote:
This is slightly off topic, but I'm hoping folks can point me in the
right direction.

I'm looking for a fairly lightweight key/value store that works for
this type of problem:

   ideally plays nice with the Python ecosystem
   the data set is static, and written infrequently enough that I
definitely want *read* performance to trump all
   there is too much data to keep it all in memory (so no memcache)
   users will access keys with fairly uniform, random probability
   the key/value pairs are fairly homogenous in nature:
     keys are<= 16 chars
     values are between 1k and 4k bytes generally
   approx 3 million key/value pairs
   total amount of data == 6Gb
   needs to work on relatively recent versions of FreeBSD and Linux

On my 64bit machine with 64 bit Python, I would consider putting all the values in one data file and creating a key:file-offset dict. Each value would start with length(value) so that is not needed in memory. The dict, once created, could be pickled and unpickled for each run.

Terry Jan Reedy


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