On 05/04/12 10:27, Steve Howell wrote:
> On May 3, 6:10 pm, Miki Tebeka <miki.teb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm looking for a fairly lightweight key/value store that works for
>>> this type of problem:
>> I'd start with a benchmark and try some of the things that are already in 
>> the standard library:
>> - bsddb
>> - sqlite3 (table of key, value, index key)
> Thanks.  I think I'm ruling out bsddb, since it's recently deprecated:

Have you tested the standard library's anydbm module (certainly not
deprecated)?  In a test I threw together, after populating one gig
worth of data, lookups were pretty snappy (compared to the lengthy
time it took to populate the 1gb of junk data).



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