Laurent Pointal <> writes:
> I started a first translation of my document originally in french. Could 
> some fluent english people read it and indicate errors or bad english 
> expressions.

It looks nice.  It took me a minute to find the English version:

A few minor things:

1) We would usually call this a "reference card" rather than "memento"

2) In the dictionary example, 
   {"clé":"valeur"} =>  {"key":"value"}
   {1:"un",3:"trois",2:"deux",3.14:""} => {1:"one", etc. }

3) "bloc" in a few places should be "block"

4) On side 2, the part about writing files is still mostly in French

There are a few other things like that, and I'll try to look more
carefully tonight, I can't spend more time on it right now.

Thanks for writing it and sharing it.


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