Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

> Am 05.06.2012 19:32, schrieb Laurent Pointal:
>> I started a first translation of my document originally in french. Could
>> some fluent english people read it and indicate errors or bad english
>> expressions.
> Just one note up front: Languages or nationalities are written with
> uppercase letters, like English and French. Other common faults of that
> category are days of the week (Monday..) and month names (January..),
> although that's irrelevant for your doc.

I modified slightly the page, to have first links in the page for document 
downloading (and other links deeper in the page).

> Another thing I noticed that was missing was that the "in" keyword can
> not only be used to iterate over a sequence (for i in seq:...) but also
> to test if something is contained in a sequence (if i in seq:...).

I reworked the second page to have less informations about string formating 
(nice, but less important than operations on containers), and add sections 
on containers, lists, dictionaries and set.

> "don't miss to close file after use": Use a "with" statement.

Added as a note.

> "see verso for string formatting..." - what is "verso"?

Modified with Paul indications (its the "other side" in french - from 

> "dont" -> "don't"


> "char strings" -> "strings" (in the context of indexing, byte strings
> have the same syntax)

Modified (even if I dont teach byte strings with my students).

> "with several else if, else if..." - there is no "else if" but "elif".

Modified (it was originally a translation from french, but the 
correcpondance between english version and keywords can be confusing).

> "block else for other cases" - this sounds as if it was blocking the
> else. Maybe "else-block for other cases", but English hyphenation is
> complicated and I'm not sure.

Modified to "else block..."

Thanks for your reading and comments.


Laurent POINTAL - laurent.poin...@laposte.net


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