* Corey Richardson <co...@octayn.net> [120607 14:19]:
> On Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:20:47 GMT
> jkells <jtke...@verizon.net> <jtke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > We are new to developing applications with Python.  A question came
> > up concerning Python libraries being portable between
> > Architectures.    More specifically, can we take a python library
> > that runs on a X86 architecture and run it on a SPARC architecture or
> > do we need to get the native libraries for SPARC?
> > 
> Pure-python libraries should run wherever Python does, if it doesn't,
> that's a bug. C extensions to CPython shouldn't have any platform
> incompatibilities, but of course you'll need to recompile.
  Perhaps this respons to this thread contains a possible solution to my 
  subject "Installing MySQLdb via FTP?"

  Does this mean that I could copy my MySQLdb module directly from
  my workstation via ftp to a server, and have it work, given that
  sys.path contained the path?

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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