Am 11.06.2012 16:09, schrieb Mark Roseman:
> On the Tkinter front, I just want to reiterate two important points that
> are not nearly as well known as they should be.
> First, it is possible and in fact easy to do decent looking GUI's in
> Tkinter, with the caveat that you do in fact have to do things very
> slightly differently than you would have 15 years ago. Shocking, I know.
Yes, but when I have the choice between Tkinter, Qt and wx, I still
would go for wx or Qt (or stick to wx which I chose 12 years ago).
I don't see the point of chosing Tkinter over the other toolkits.

> Second, there does exist at least one fairly good source of
> documentation for new users wishing to do exactly this (according to
> many, many comments I have received), though that documentation is
> admittedly buried in a sea of out-of-date information that is still all
> too easy to find.
> Please see and in particular the tutorial there.
The point of this thread is that Python is not attractive to casual
users who want to implement some GUI programs.
I don't see how that would change without an easy-to-use GUI builder,
no matter how good the documentation is.
Of course, it's possible to split up the documentation into many small
building blocks which the user could copy & paste together.
But then we have a poor-man's GUI builder. I doubt that it would
attract new users.

(For more straightforward tasks like hardware control / data
 acquisition I made good experiences with a Wiki-based approach
 of providing snippets. But *simple* GUIs are mainly visual and
 there should be a way to create them visually without consulting
 much documentation.)




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