On Thu, 14 Jun 2012 12:59:23 -0700 (PDT)
CM <cmpyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jun 14, 2:25 pm, Wolfgang Keller <felip...@gmx.net> wrote:
> >
> > What is needed for domain specialists are frameworks and related
> > tools such as GUI builders that allow them to write exclusively the
> > domain-specific code (this is where a domain specialist will always
> > be better than any software developer), layout the GUI as
> > ergonomically convenient (same) and then have the framework do all
> > the rest.
> Above this you also mentioned a disdain for the need for "glue code",
> which in the context of your post seemed to be binding to event
> handlers.

With "glue code" I mean any code other than that which serves to
implement purely domain-specific behaviour.

> So is there a possible way for a GUI builder to *automatically* bind
> widgets to the appropriate functions in your domain-specific code?
> It's hard to see how this would be generally possible, even with an
> AI (maybe a mind-reading AI would work).
> Or maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

Probably, since there are GUI builders/frameworks available that do
what I described. I have already pointed to some for my specific type
of application (database applications) that don't even need any GUI
definition at all, since the GUI is entirely reflected from the domain
model. Which I would not consider as the most ergonomic way to define
a GUI.

Unfortunately these excellent GUI builders and frameworks all use
languages which imho are not at all suitable for domain specialists who
are not full-time software developers by training.



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