On 17/07/12 14:52, Roy Smith wrote:
In article<-8sdnvrxgqie25jnnz2dnuvz7qkdn...@bt.com>,
  Lipska the Kat<lip...@lipskathekat.com>  wrote:

I'm not used to using variables without declaring their type

If you truly wanted to recreate this type-bondage style of programming
in Python, it's easy enough to do.


Well 'type-bondage' is a strange way of thinking about compile time type checking and making code easier to read (and therefor debug) but I'm not about to get into some religious war about declaring a variables type. I'll just say that I prefer to devote testing efforts to the real danger area which in my experience is 'user' input. Clients look dimly on runtime errors however they occur and if I can leave it to the compiler to check as much as possible then I'll take that.

I do understand however that compiling an intepreted language doesn't really make sense however i'm sure there are interpreted languages that allow pre-execution type checking ... aren't there ? Oh yes, there's one called Java :-)

Still, I'm sure you're only kidding around with me :-)


Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, Sandbox destroyer
and Farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun.

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