Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:59:21 -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

Getting closer to a stable release.

Excellent! That's fantastic news! I've been waiting for a stable release of dbf for months! I just have one question.

What is dbf?


dbf (also known as python dbase) is a module for reading/writing
dBase III, FP, VFP, and soon Clipper, .dbf database files.  It's
an ancient format that still finds lots of use.

It even reads and writes memo fields -- something which none of the other modules do (which is why I wrote this one -- I needed that! ;).

It supports unicode, and returns all fields as native Python types:

  Character --> unicode
  Date      -->
  Logical   --> bool/None
  Memo      --> unicode
  Numeric   --> int/float depending on field definition

If a field is uninitialized (Date, Logical, Numeric) then None is returned for the value.

Tables are accessible as lists; Records are accessible as lists, dicts, and objects ( attribute access ).

Enjoy your weekend!

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