On Jul 22, 10:23 pm, Lipska the Kat <lip...@lipskathekat.com> wrote:

> Heh heh, Nothing to do with Eclipse, just another thing to get my head
> around. For work and Java IMHO you can't beat eclipse...
> at the moment I'm getting my head around git,

Bumped into this yesterday. Seems like a good aid to git-comprehension

> reminding myself of C, learning Python
> and re-learning make. Enough already; but if there's a python plugin I
> guess I'll get around to it eventually

Seems like a strange combo. It should be
where X could range from
Setup http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html
to distribute http://guide.python-distribute.org/
to scons http://www.scons.org/

Why burden yourself by making the '|'s into '&'s?

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