> def func1():
>       num1=10
>       num2=20
>       print "The Second Number is:",num2
>       return
> def func2():
>         func1()
>       num3=num1+num2
>       num4=num3+num1
>       print "New Number One is:",num3
>       print "New Number Two is:",num4
> This works. Even you can incoportate some conditionals over func1() in func2()
> and run.

This does not work. Python does not get "compiled" in the same manner
as other languages (C, Java etc). Since you never call func2(), there is no
error. Once you try calling func2() you will see it does not work. func1()
does work.

The Second Number is: 20
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "subha.py", line 24, in <module>
  File "subha.py", line 15, in func2
NameError: global name 'num1' is not defined

> My question can I call its values of func1() too?
> What it is the big deal in experimenting we may come up with some new code or
> a new need?

It is not a big deal, that is how you learn. You are just writing code that
neither works nor really shows enough to tell us why or what you are trying 
to do. Not much I can do to guide or help you because I am completely lost
at your goal. The best I can do at the moment is say. func2 will not work.
You could return num1 and num2 from func1() and then it would work.

def func1():
        print "The Second Number is:",num2
        return num1, num2

def func2():
       num1, num2 = func1()
        print "New Number One is:",num3
        print "New Number Two is:",num4


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