On Aug 8, 2:51 pm, lipska the kat <lipskathe...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> The point I'm obviously struggling to make is that words convey concepts
> The word Person conveys a whole lifetime of experience of People and as
> imperfect human beings many of us are unable to tease out 'bits of being
> a person' that are relevant to the system we are developing. Inevitably
> other seemingly irreversibly entwined bits keep popping up to cloud our
> thinking. This is my experience, not an isolated case but one that has
> popped up again and again.

I once sat for a presentation of a wannabe university teacher.
The subject she chose was object-orientation.

She spent some time on the usual dope about employee, manager etc.
Finally she reached the base-class: Person.

Or so we thought...

Then suddenly she started 'extending' the bases:
Person inherits from mammal inherits from vertebrate inherits from

Now in principle one could perhaps find an app where this whole
inheritance hierarchy makes sense.
But I cannot think of one.  (Maybe something from Orwell??)

In any case this is the incident that makes me side with your "NO
PERSON" dictum.

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